Episode 66 – Talking Nonprofit Leadership with Charles Weathers

Charles Weathers joins Patrick in the studio for a conversation about nonprofit leadership. Charles and Patrick share with each other some of the trends and challenges they are seeing in the sector.

Charles C. Weathers is a nationally recognized consultant and professional speaker known for helping leaders in the nonprofit, government, and private sectors facilitate courageous conversations and strengthen organizational performance. As the founder of The Weathers Group, a management firm based in Columbia, S.C., he has provided more than 15,000 hours of facilitation to over 1,100 leading organizations internationally in the last 19 years.

Charles is known for his signature keynotes, captivating audiences with his contagious energy, insight, and humor. He is a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, certified mediator, and American Leadership Forum Senior Fellow. Charles is also a member of the National Speakers Association, the Institute of Management Consultants, and a regular contributor to Forbes.com as a member of the Forbes Coaches Council. His thought leadership is frequently featured in publications nationwide.

The Leadership Window
The Leadership Window
Episode 66 – Talking Nonprofit Leadership with Charles Weathers