Episode 12 – Leading Collective Impact, with Marisel Losa

Marisel leads cross-sector collaborations to improve the education, health, and financial stability of her community.

Marisel Losa is President and CEO of United Way of Greenwood & Abbeville Counties in Greenwood, SC. Her track record over three decades in the public and community health arena prepared her perfectly for her current role leading cross-sector collective impact at a community level.

Marisel served as President and CEO of the Health Council of South Florida in Miami for 12 years and founded the Florida Association of Free and Charitable Clinics. Her extensive understanding of the healthcare arena allows for the analytical knowledge, skills, and experience to support the development and implementation of collaborative efforts that improve service delivery systems in the community.

Marisel has numerous recognitions, including the Women That Shine Award by the League of Women Voters, The Hispanic Women of Distinction Charity Award, March of Dimes Humanitarian of the Year Award, and USF’s Florida Public Health Woman of the Year Award.


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The Leadership Window
Episode 12 – Leading Collective Impact, with Marisel Losa